Video Chroma And Deflection Circuit For Color TVThe LA7625 is based on the LA7620 with the video circuit DC restoration factor changed to 100%. The LA7625 is small, multifunction ICs in which video, chroma and deflection circuits for NTSC color TV sy..
область применения - телевизорыНазначение - Кадровая разверткаАналоги:mPC1488, TA8427, IXO0640CEВыполняемые функции:-Формирование сигнала кадровой развертки для 90С и 110С отклоняющих систем-Защита люминофора кинескопа при неисправности кадровой разв..
The LA7911 is a tuner controller IC having such functionsas band switch, inverter, low-pass filter, 33V referene Zener.It can be used for frequency synthesizer or voltage synthesizeraccording to external application.Functions• Band switch (Equivalent..